Please read the following text carefully. By consulting this site, you automatically agree with its contents.
The information on this website is Markerink BV with care, yet the accuracy and completeness can not be guaranteed. Markerink provided through this website only information about products and services offered by Markerink. Changes can be made without prior notice. Markerink Although everything in its power to prevent abuse,
Markerink is not responsible for information and / or messages that users of the website are sent via Internet.
Markerink seeks all documents and files it on this website before installing to check for viruses. We can not guarantee that these documents and files do not contain viruses Markerink and therefore accepts no liability (direct or indirect) damage or loss, in the broadest sense, as a result of any viruses.
Links to sites not by Markerink are included purely for the information of the visitor. Although Markerink extremely selective on the sites referred to, it can not guarantee the content and operation of, or the quality of any products and / or services offered on those sites. Any liability relating to sites not maintained by Markerink be rejected.
All content of these pages, including text, graphics, logos, buttons, audio clips and software is owned by Markeink BV or its licensors and is protected by Dutch copyright laws.
The collection (the composition, content and structure) of the content on this site is copyright protected. No part of this collection may be reproduced and / or published by print, photocopy, microfilm or in any way without prior written permission of Markerink BV Tolkamer.
Privacy policy Markerink
Markerink respects the privacy of the visitors of this website and shall ensure that personal information provided via web forms is kept confidential.
Markerink adheres thereto to current Dutch legislation on privacy.
Links to other websites
Markerink provides links to other websites. We can not guarantee that any partners or third parties that are named in Markerink and which links are included, also to the privacy legislation. You must check how they handle your privacy.
Markerink is committed to personal data reliably and safely use and store. Privacy
Policy Changes
Changes or extensions of this privacy policy will be announced on the homepage of Markerink and each date of the notice of the change or extension force. January 2009